Accessible Peak District Trig Points
Are you taking on the Accessible Peak District Trig Point Challenge? There is a challenge to visit all 88 trig points in the Peak District. Sadly, a lot of them are on private land and are inaccessible without seeking permission or trespassing. I’ve put together a list of the accessible Peak District trig points, all of which are on either Open Access Land or near to footpaths and come up with #63trigs.
There are a few trig points which are just over a wall and easily reached from publicly accessible land, so I’ve included them too.
These trig points are all over the Peak District. These Peak District trig points are either on Open Access Land (shaded yellow on the OS Maps) or accessed via a public footpath. There are a few which are private but they are just over a wall from OA Land or a roadside, so you can still bag these.
I’ve also got a complete list of 88 Peak District trig points and walks to visit them if you want to see the full list of the Peak District trigs and multiple trig point walks . We started to do this challenge but found it frustrating that not all of the summits are easily accessible. I didn’t want to be spending ages finding out who the landowners were, or pestering farmers to let me in their fields to reach the trig point so, if you’re like me, here’s a Peak District Trig Point Challenge you can complete!
Here’s the list of accessible trig points in the Peak District!
Accessible Peak District Trig Points
There are actually 32 of the 88 trigs in the Peak District on private land, which makes the challenge really hard – only 56 are public accessible. This list has 63 trig points you can access legally or just by reaching over a wall to touch. I know a lot of people who have stopped the 88 Trigs challenge because of a lack of access, which is really sad, but hopefully this will help!
Want a handy Accessible Peak District Trig Points Checklist so you can tick off as you go? Save the image below or click to download a PDF version.
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